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Darul Ilm
Imaam al-Shaafi’i Rahimahullaah said: ‘There is nobody except that he has someone who loves him and someone who hates him. So if that’s the case, let a person be with the people who are obedient to Allaah `Azza Wa Jall.’
‘And this is how the Donkey of Knowledge Slipped into Mud’
Guest Guest
Subject: ‘And this is how the Donkey of Knowledge Slipped into Mud’ Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:39 am
“And from this is the saying of Imām ‘Abdullah ibn al Mubārak regarding Ismā’īl ibn al ‘Ulayyah – may Allāh have Mercy upon them both – when he accepted a post of receiving sadaqah near (Harūn) Ar-Rashīd, where he (Ibn al Mubārak) wrote to him (ibn ‘Ulayyah) saying:
يا جاعل العلم له بازيا يصطاد أموال المساكين
“O who makes knowledge for him as a play And hunts the wealth of Masākīn
احتلت للدنيا ولذاتها بحيلة تذهب بالدين
You have deceived (to gain) dunyā and its pleasures With such a deceivement that snatches the religion
فصرت مجنونا بها بعدما كنت دواء للمجانين
Thus you became a mad man with it After you were a cure to madmen
أين رواياتك فيما مضى عن ابن عون وابن سيرين
Where are your narrations which were in the past From ibn ‘Awn and ibn Sīrīn
ودرسك العلم بآثاره في ترك أبواب السلاطين
And (where is) your teaching of knowledge and narrations With regards to the leaving of the doors of the Kings
تقول أكرهت فماذا كذا زل حمار العلم في الطين
And you say “I have been coerced, thus why?” And this is how the donkey of knowledge slipped in mud
لا تبع الدين بالدنيا كما يفعل ضلال الرهابين
And do not sell your religion in return of the dunyā As some misguided Monks do.”
‘And this is how the Donkey of Knowledge Slipped into Mud’