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Darul Ilm
Imaam al-Shaafi’i Rahimahullaah said: ‘There is nobody except that he has someone who loves him and someone who hates him. So if that’s the case, let a person be with the people who are obedient to Allaah `Azza Wa Jall.’
Subject: Ahl Al-Sunnah of Iran are bleeding!!! Sat Jan 12, 2008 6:09 pm
Assalaamu 3aleykum,
O Muslimeen take a lesson from our plight and be aware of the Rafidha Shia and don't fall in the trap of their taqiyya and their blabber about "unity" our message to ALL OF YOU : DO NO FORSAKE your brethren of Ahlus Sunnah in Iran. You have no excuses before Allah, by ALLAH YOU HAVE NONE! We are bleeding!